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Global Affairs

Strategic Partnerships With Universities

The University of Zurich strives to strengthen and develop its existing partnership links with a small number of universities to form strategic alliances in a number of areas. The aim is to address global challenges, offer innovative teaching collaborations for students, initiate dialogues with relevant stakeholders and learn from each other at an institutional level.

Projects with all partners listed below are eligible for funding under the  UZH Global Funding Scheme. The funding scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing joint collaboration initiatives.

  • University of Queensland, Australia

    Since 2017, the two universities have had close collaborations in criminal law, occupational psychology, healthy ageing, food sciences, imaging, and neurosciences. In 2021, the two universities have signed a partnership plan for a strategic alliance.
  • Kyoto University, Japan

    Kyoto University is renowned for its medical research. 2019 saw the launch of the first Research Lab in Residence program, in which two researchers from UZH were working with specialists in reprogrammed stem cells in Kyoto.
  • KU Leuven, Belgium

    The University of Zurich and KU Leuven have a strong track record in research collaboration, student exchange, and are both members of three university networks and alliances. With the strategic partnership signed in spring of 2023, the two institutions acknowledged their existing institutional links.
  • Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

    In 2017, the University of Zurich entered into a strategic partnership with Freie Universität Berlin, stepping up their already close cooperation. This alliance has brought about joint research projects in the natural sciences, neurosciences and psychology, in particular. Strong connections also exist through joint initatives in the humanities.
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

    The University of Zurich and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin signed a cooperation agreement for a strategic partnership in 2019. Both universities provided start-up funding for joint research projects, that lead to promising projects in natural science, social science and the humanities.
  • Université de Genève, Switzerland

    The University of Zurich and Université de Genève have been strategic partners since 2017. The strategic partnership with the has brought forward close collaborations in the fields of digital science and citizen science.
  • Universita Karlova, Czech Republic

    UZH and Univerzita Karlova in Prague have entertained a strategic partnership since 2017. Several bilateral research projects in the fields of medicine, German studies and musicology were established in this time.

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Leslie Reinhard
Partnership Manager Global Networks


UZH Global Funding Scheme

More about UZH Global Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing activities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network in line with the Global Strategy 2030.

Guideline for Responsible International Collaboration

Swissuniversities recently published a Guideline for Responsible International Collaboration.