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Global Affairs

Global Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing activities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network in line with the UZH Global Strategy. The UZH Global Funding Scheme is open to joint collaboration initiatives with the University of Zurich's Network and Priority Partners.

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Funding Lines

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Call Regulations

General call regulations will be published here in due time. Please refer to the funding lines above for detailed information about the call.

Application Forms

Application forms will be made available here once the 2025 Call has opened.

Reporting Forms

Reporting templates will be made available here once the 2025 Call has opened. Find reporting templates for projects from 2022 to 2024 here.

Project Spotlights

  • Insights Into Swiss-Japanese Collaboration on Hydrology

    A collaboration between the University of Zurich and Tokyo University advances research on the hydrological effects of forest cover change by refining models, field visits, workshops, and data exchange.
  • Ongoing Collaboration in the Field of Regenerative Medicine

    As part of the long-term collaboration, the University of Zurich's Institute of Regenerative Medicine visited the Kyoto University's Center for Cell Research and Application. The exchange involved hands-on training in advanced lab techniques, interdisciplinary discussions, and a joint symposium, aimed at advancing joint research and technology transfer.
  • Developing an International Regulatory Framework for AI

    The University of Zurich and Kyoto University join forces to develop proposals for how law makers in Switzerland, Japan, and other countries should design their respective legal framework to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Building Bridges for a Healthier Planet: Trialogue Days in India

    Bringing together experts from Makarere University, the Indian Institute of Science, and UZH, the Trialogue Days addressed planetary health challenges, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and global action.
  • Rabies Virus Analysis in Wildlife, Domestic Animals, and Humans

    Every year, many people in Uganda die from rabies after being bitten by a dog. Veterinary epidemiologist Sonja Hartnack is working together with Makerere University in Uganda on ways to effectively combat the deadly virus.
  • AI Increases Precision in Plant Observation

    In an ongoing project funded by the UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme, an international team of researchers from UZH, in partnership with Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo, has pioneered a method to show how plants respond to changes in their environments.
  • UZH and UniGE Unite for Swiss Leadership & Diversity Summit

    In spring 2023, UniGE and the Center for Leadership in the Future of Work at UZH held the collaborative "Swiss Leadership, Inclusion & Diversity Event" summit at UZH. Bringing together scholars and practitioners from various fields, the event aimed to explore the intersection of diversity and leadership.

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Contact – UZH Global Affairs

The UZH Global Funding Scheme is coordinated by UZH Global Affairs. Reach out in case of questions about the UZH Global Funding Scheme.

University Networks and Alliances

UZH is a member of various international networks and alliances in research, teaching, and innovation. Membership in these networks facilitates access to international projects and funding instruments for our researchers and staff.

Other International Funding Instruments

More about Other International Funding Instruments

Overview of other funding instruments that may cover travel expenses.