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Global Affairs

Una Europa Talk: Building Resilience Through One Health

Join us for one of the highlights of the Una Europa General Assembly in Zurich – the Una Europa Talk on the topic of "Builiding Resilience Through One Health".

Una Europa Talks are designed to foster meaningful dialogues between academia and the public, aligning with the core mission of the European university allianceUna Europa in shaping the “University of the Future". In this edition, leading experts in One Health will exchange ideas and discuss the critical importance of interdisciplinary approaches to addressing global challenges.

The event kicks off at 17:45 with a networking aperitif in the atrium of the UZH main building located at Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich. At 18:30, guests then gather in the Aula of the main building for welcome remarks by Prof. Michael Schaepman, President of the University of Zurich, followed by a panel discussion.

This Una Europa Talk will be live streamed (link to live stream).


  • Eveline van Rijswijk


    Eveline van Rijswijk, with an academic background in political science, history, and philosophy from Leiden University, brings dynamic engagement to public discourse. Her career has focused on enriching conversations through science communication and historical analysis. As a former editor-in-chief and presenter for the University of the Netherlands, she created educational videos and hosted "Focus" on NPO Radio 1, where she explored history and science. In her one-woman show "De Première", she criticizes Dutch politics theatrically. Known for her eloquent speeches and language columns on "Spraakmakers", she continues to challenge and inspire audiences across the country.
  • Dr. med. Andrew Kambugu

    Executive Director at Uganda Infectious Diseases Institute
    adjunct Assoc. Prof. at the University of Minnesota, USA
    Vice President of the Researchers for Global Health (R4GH) group
    Makerere University

    Andrew Kambugu brings extensive expertise to the panel. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, USA, and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Makerere University of Health Sciences. He holds a Master's in Internal Medicine and has received specialty training in Infectious Diseases. Dr. Kambugu has over 14 years of experience in HIV clinical care and programming and has made significant research contributions, particularly in HIV treatment outcomes and opportunistic infections. He is active in several health organizations, reflecting his commitment to global health research and practice.
  • Prof. Owen Petchey

    Director of the URPP Global Change and Biodiversity
    University of Zurich

    Owen Petchey is at the forefront of evolutionary biology and environmental research. As a Professor in the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zurich, he leads the URPP Global Change and Biodiversity and is a visiting researcher at EAWAG. With his extensive leadership experience, including roles as head of the Ecology PhD program and the Life Science Zurich Graduate School, he brings profound expertise in predictive ecology, population dynamics, and ecosystem modeling to the panel.
  • Prof. Elisabeth Stark

    Vice President Research
    University of Zurich

    Elisabeth Stark holds the position of full professor in Romance linguistics, specializing in French. She completed her education in Romance Linguistics and teacher training for German and French at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, earning her PhD later. She served in various academic roles at LMU, including senior teaching and research assistant after her habilitation. She briefly held a substitute chair at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin before accepting a full professorship at Freie Universität Berlin, where she also served as Vice Dean of Studies. Her academic focus includes the structure of nominal expressions, language variation in digital communications, and syntax in Romance languages.
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Andrea Winkler

    Co-Director of the Centre for Global Health at the Technical University of Munich
    Professor and Founding Director of the Centre for Global Health at the University of Oslo

    Andrea Sylvia Winkler is a renowned neuroscientist and a specialist neurologist. As co-director of the Center for Global Health at TMU and founding director of the Center for Global Health at the University of Oslo, she leads groundbreaking research on global brain health and poverty-related diseases. With a professorship in Global One Health and a visiting professorship at Harvard Medical School, she spearheads initiatives on neglected tropical diseases, global neurology, and zoonotic diseases. Prof. Winkler chairs the Lancet One Health Commission, pioneering collaboration in global health.
  • Prof. Bruno González Zorn

    Head of Antimicrobial Resistance Unit
    Complutense University of Madrid

    Bruno González Zorn is a leading microbiologist and veterinarian. He heads the the Antimicrobial Resistance Unit (ARU) at Complutense University of Madrid. His pioneering work in establishing a multidisciplinary laboratory has put him at the forefront of the One Health approach to antimicrobial resistance. His research focuses on the flux of antimicrobial resistance genes and bacteria between humans, animals and the environment. He has received national awards for his research work and advises the WHO and international organizations on the design of global strategies and research projects.

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This project is financially supported by Movetia. Movetia promotes exchange, mobility and cooperation within the fields of education, training and youth work – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide.