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The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing activities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network in line with the UZH Global Strategy.
Please note: The funding scheme is open to joint collaboration initiatives with the University of Zurich's
Network and other Priority Partners (UZH login required). This list was established together with the faculties and is adjusted every year.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on the new website by March 2025.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on the new website by March 2025.
Seed Funding aims to support the exploring of specific collaborative ideas. Joint activities in research, teaching as well as across professional/academic service units are eligible for funding. Applicants may request up to CHF 5,000 through the UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme. Applications that demonstrate matched funding by partner institutions will be given priority.
The evaluation committee consists of representatives of UZH Global Affairs and the Offices of VP Research and VP Education and Student Affairs. Please consider this in your application and use non-expert language.
Please submit the following documents with your application:
Please submit your application in English, via e-mail in one PDF-file to: Leslie Reinhard, Global Affairs.
In case funding is granted, the proposed activities should be conducted within one year from the grant confirmation date.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on this website by March 2025.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on the new website by March 2025.
Projects for the Project Fund should pursue the goal of deepening existing links with partner institution(s) and promoting UZH’s global reputation and visibility.
Joint projects in research, teaching as well as across professional/academic service units are eligible for funding. Please note that this line is highly competitive due to limited funds available. Applicants may request up to CHF 60,000 through the UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme per project and must submit proof of internal co-funding. Applications that demonstrate matched funding by partner institutions will be given priority.
Level 3 aims at supporting comprehensive projects and formats in research, teaching and/or across professional/academic service units. Costs that can be covered through the funding include (but are not limited to):
CHF 60,000 requested
+ 50% internal Co-Funding (in cash) CHF 30,000
+ for example CHF 30,000 Co-Funding of Partner University (could be any other amount, in cash before in-kind)
= CHF 120,000 for your project
The evaluation committee consists of the President, representatives of UZH Global Affairs and the Offices of VP Research and VP Education and Student Affairs. Please consider this in your application and use non-expert language.
Please submit the following documents for your application:
Please submit your application in English, via e-mail in one PDF-file to: Leslie Reinhard, Global Affairs.
In case funding is granted, the proposed activities should be conducted within three year from the grant confirmation date.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on this website by March 2025.
The UZH Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme and its funding lines is currently under revision and will be re-opened under the new name “Global Funding Scheme” on 1 June 2025. All necessary information will be available on the new website by March 2025.
UZH’s partner universities have the option of matching UZH’s funding for the Seed Fund and the Project Fund, but are not obliged to. However, applications that demonstrate matched funding from partner institutions will be given priority. For the Project Fund, matching funds from another UZH unit are required. See more details below.
Seed Fund: Global Affairs highly recommends co-funding and will prioritize applications that can demonstrate this (via a letter of support or similar). The matching fund can be from any source (researchers’ own budget, third party funding, etc.) and not necessarily from a partner university. Funds also do not need to be matched exactly as 50:50 and in-kind contributions are allowed. However, matching funds from partner universities increase the chances to obtain a grant.
Project Fund:
Internal UZH in cash co-funding of at least 50% is required (through UZH faculty, department, institute). The matching funds can also come from the researchers own budget, third party funding, etc. Global Affairs highly recommends co-funding from a partner university and will prioritize applications that can demonstrate this (via a letter of support or similar). In-kind contributions from a partner university are allowed.
Yes, you are eligible to apply.
Funds must be spent within the projected timeline. After that, any remaining funds are to be returned to Global Affairs.
Only applications that involve a UZH partner university according to our list of partners will be considered.
Yes, trilateral collaborations are encouraged. As long as the main partner is on the list of eligible partners, the third partner may also be a university that is not stated on the list of eligible partners.
The above list is not exhaustive. Please contact Global Affairs if you would like clarification.