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Global Affairs

Global Funding Instruments

The following overview includes funding instruments specifically with an international scope. Please find currently open calls here.

UZH also offers Travel Grants for young researchers (PhD students and Postdocs). For more information, check the website of UZH Graduate Campus

International Funding Opportunities of UZH

Strategic Partnerships Strategic Partnerships

The University of Zurich and its strategic partners aim to strengthen their sthared goals of sustainable collaboration in research and teaching. For joint funding opportunities, please check the UZH Global Funding Scheme.

UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and units in pursuing joint activities with partner universities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network and that help implementing the UZH Global Strategy. For open calls, please refer to the website of the UZH Global Strategy and Partnerhips Funding Scheme.

GRC Travel Grants

The Graduate Campus offers Travel Grants for young researchers (PhD students and Postdocs). For more information, check the website of UZH Graduate Campus

gobal_innovation Funding Line

The UZH Teaching Fund (ULF) offers funding for courses, modules, and structural collaborations with international partner universities of UZH that promote either internationalization@Home or (virtual) mobility experiences for UZH students. Project applications can be submitted twice per year. For more information, visit the website of UZH Teaching Fund.

Seed Funding through the Alliance "Una Europa"

Due to UZH's membership in Una Europa, UZH researchers have access to th Una Europa Seed Funding. For open calls, please refer to the website of Una Europa Seed Funding.

UZH Doc.Mobility

Mobility Fellowships are designed for young researchers who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad. UZH Doc.Mobiltiy

Research+ is a centralised platform showcasing scientific and technological cooperation opportunities between Switzerland and the rest of the world. Launched by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in collaboration with swissnex, the new platform aims to facilitate collaboration in research and innovation by providing researchers, higher education institutions and innovators with a unique overview of the most important funding instruments, calls for joint research projects, and mobility programs.

Bilateral Programs of the Swiss Confederation

The bilateral programs of the Swiss Confederation are aimed at promoting and strengthening scientific cooperation between Switzerland and non-European countries that show high or promising research potential.

Joint Research Projects (JRPs)

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has a mandate for the 2017-2020 period to conduct calls for Joint Research Projects (JRPs) in collaboration with Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa and South Korea.
Program Manager North-South.

You will find further information on open calls on the SNSF website.

Leading Houses (LHs)

A so-called leading house (LH) at a Swiss university or university of applied sciences serves as a liaison office for each country or region taking part in the bilateral programs: The LHs are in close contact with partner institutions in the respective regions and sometimes have their own funding schemes for an initial collaboration or exchange.

Region Leading House
North Africa and Middle East University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
Sub-Saharan Africa Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in cooperation with the University of Basel
Latin America  University of St. Gallen
East and South East Asia  ETH Zurich
Russia and CIS University of Geneva
Indian sub-continent and Iran Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

SNSF Funding Schemes with an International Scope

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) offers different instruments to support international research projects that are carried out by researchers employed in Switzerland:

SPIRIT - Swiss Program for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams

The SPIRIT program facilitates knowledge exchange between Swiss researchers and researchers in selected countries that are receiving development assistance.

Applicants can request between 50,000 and 500,000 Swiss francs in project funds for two to four years. At least 30% of each approved grant must be allocated to Switzerland and at least 30% to the relevant partner country/countries.

Submission deadline: pre-proposals can be submitted all year round, full proposals only by invitation after approval of the pre-proposal.

Scientific Exchanges

Scientific Exchanges are aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country.
Duration: 2 - 5 days for scientific events; 1 - 6 months for research visits
Submission deadline: The applications must be submitted via the mySNF platform at least four months before the event or the visit.

Mobility Fellowships:
Doc.Mobility, Early Postdoc.Mobility, Postdoc.Mobility

Mobility Fellowships are designed for young researchers who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad.
Duration: 6 - 24 months
Submission deadline: 1 March and 1 September (Doc.Mobility and Early Postdoc.Mobility); 1 February and 1 August (Postdoc.Mobility)


Sinergia offers a platform for interdisciplinary projects of two to four researcher groups from different Swiss institutions. 
Duration: 1 - 4 years
Submission deadline: 1 June and 1 December

Supplementary measures
Supplementary measures comprise very specific, targeted funding schemes that are available to grantees of the SNSF if certain conditions are met. 


Other Funding Sources, Points of Contact and Funding Databases

Research Development

The Research Development team provides information and support with regard to international funding opportunities (EU, US).

Swiss Networ for Interantional Studies (SNIS)

The SNIS promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of international studies with an interest in phenomena that transcend traditional nation-state boundaries. Once a year, SNIS offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary research teams.

SARECO Database

The Swiss-African Research Cooperation (SARECO) is a program of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), implemented by the Leading House Africa. SARECO does not offer own funding but runs a helpful database for funding opportunities for collaborative research between Switzerland and African countries.   

Comission for the Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)

KFPE is the information hub for "North-South" research in Switzerland, both for researchers and for the target audience of the research. It promotes increased, effective and equitable research cooperation with low and middle income countries. By doing so, KFPE contributes to sustainable development and to solving global problems. Their website offers an overview on funding possibilities with developing countries. 


Weiterführende Informationen


Leslie Reinhard

Project Officer Global Networks


General information about research funding

For general information about research funding, please refer to the website of Research, Innovation and Career Development.

Guideline for Responsible International Collaboration

Swissuniversities published a Guideline for Responsible International Collaboration. Download the document here.

New Open Calls