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CommUNAty Event 2025 – Advancing UZH’s Role in Una Europa

Last week, members of the University of Zurich (UZH) gathered for the annual CommUNAty event, a key meeting that brings together academic and professional staff and students involved in Una Europa initiatives at UZH. This event serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, providing updates on ongoing projects, and strengthening collaborations within the university and beyond. 

A Growing Community

Elisabeth Stark, UZH Vice President Research and member of the Una Europa Board of Directors, opened the event by emphasizing the university’s commitment to Una Europa. In only two and a half year, UZH has managed to be part of all three joint programs offered by the alliance: the Doctoral Program in Cultural Heritage (UnaHerDoc) and the two Joint Bachelor programs, the Bachelor of Arts in European Studies (BAES) as well as the Bachelor of Sustainability (BASUS). She highlighted the rapid growth of UZH’s Una Europa community and the university’s increasing engagement in international education initiatives and research collaborations. This success is a direct result of the dedication and contributions of UZH members, who have been pivotal in the university's role within the alliance. 

A personal highlight for the UZH Vice President Research in the past year was UZH's visibility within Una Europa, particularly by hosting the Una Europa General Assembly in June 2024 in Zurich. The event, themed "One Earth, One Future," brought together 300 delegates from 11 countries to focus on strengthening cross-border collaboration on global challenges. 

Shaping the University of the Future

The CommUNAty event featured several updates on Una Europa activities at UZH, including  the Una.Futura project. The project focuses on creating the "University of the Future" through multidisciplinary, research-based education, preparing graduates for global challenges and a rapidly changing world. Valentina Manzato, Co-Senior Local Lead and Una.Futura Project Lead, presented key insights from the project’s interim report, emphasizing how UZH's participation in the project has enhanced opportunities for students and researchers at UZH. The four-year project is currently co-funded by Movetia. Looking ahead, UZH is also hopeful about the potential re-association of Switzerland with Erasmus+ , which could further enhance opportunities for international collaboration and academic exchange. 

Ensuring the Voice of UZH Students are heard

The Una Europa Student Board Representatives, Ladina Bischof and Lars Weidinger, presented their progress, detailing their role in ensuring that students’ voices are represented in the alliance’s initiatives. Since its establishment in April 2025 , the students’ Local Task Force  has worked on various projects, including the BAES Buddy System and participation in advisory boards for joint programs. Their long-term goal during their term is to ensure that every UZH student is aware of Una Europa in the coming years. 

Advancing Research and Education Across Borders

Representatives from all six Self-Steering Committees (SSCs) shared updates on their focus areas: Cultural Heritage, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Europe and the World, Future Materials and Technologies, One Health, and Sustainability. These committees are driving research initiatives, joint degree programs, and mobility opportunities, fostering new international collaborations and innovative educational formats. 

All SSCs’ presentations highlighted how UZH’s partnerships with leading European universities are enhancing research and education, strengthening cross-institutional ties and promoting a more interconnected and interdisciplinary academic environment.

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The event concluded with a networking apéro in UZH’s Lichthof, providing an informal space for attendees to exchange ideas. A special highlight was the welcome of the first BAES incoming exchange students at UZH, marking a significant milestone in the university’s involvement in this unique European study program. 

The next major gathering for the Una Europa community will take place at the upcoming General Assembly in Krakow this May, hosted by Jagiellonian University. See you there! 

Thurka Sinnathurai
