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Global Affairs

Global Outreach Fund

The Global Outreach Fund may support projects that advance the objectives of the following key areas of the Global Strategy 2030 through collaboration with the defined Global Network and Priority Partners.

The World @ UZH
A diverse and culturally rich environment is actively fostered to generate creative and innovative outputs, interest-ing debates, and an inspiring learning, research and working environment on campus in Zurich.

Societal Responsibility
By increasing its engagement as a stakeholder in national and international policy making and diplomacy, the sci-entific community can bring its values of rationality, transparency and universality and help underpin a better global governance and build trust between nations and societies.

On Stage
Our excellence in research, innovation and teaching all contribute to the global reputation of UZH. The develop-ment of our global reputation is supported by proactive dialogues, events and outreach activities with relevant stakeholders from the ERI (Education, Research, and Innovation) sector and wider society.

Weiterführende Informationen

The Global Outreach Fund funding line focuses on making UZH excellence visible globally, in collabora-tion with a Network or Priority Partner.

Examples of initiatives
The Global Outreach Fund supports outreach components of ongoing initiatives with Network and Priority Partners, for instance (non-exhaustive list):

  • Joint public events (e.g. panel discussions) or joint workshops including policymakers, industry, and in-terested communities
  • Joint closed-door events with relevant stakeholders to impact policy decisions
  • Content production for communication purposes  (e.g. videos, infographics, etc.)

Applicants must be UZH researchers of any discipline or professional staff with UZH employment contracts covering the entire period of the project.

Joint activities in research, teaching, and innovation as well as across professional/academic service units with Network and Priority Partners of the University of Zurich. In addition, project partners may additionally include relevant international political, diplomatic, intergovernmental and non-governmental stakeholders.

Selection criteria
The proposals will be evaluated along the following criteria:

  • Impact of the project idea to achieve sustainable progress in an area of the Global Strategy 2030 with our Network or Priority partners.
  • Novel and unique idea in terms of internationalization in education, research, innovation or professional services delivery
  • Clear and well-structured budget plan
  • Level of matching fund and commitment from the partner university, or other stakeholders where applicable

Applications that demonstrate co-funding by partner institutions will be given priority.

Application requirements
The following documents must be submitted in one PDF file:

  • Completed application form
  • Completed budget template
  • Complete CVs of project leaders (short version suffices)
  • If applicable: Evidence of co-funding through partner institution (this can be in the form of a letter, signed by a person with financial authority).

The evaluation committee consists of representatives of UZH Global Affairs. Please use non-expert language.

Project duration
In case funding is granted, the proposed activities should be conducted within one year from the grant con-firmation date.

Please submit the completed application form in English via e-mail in one PDF-file to Global Affairs (E-Mail).

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UZH Global Funding Scheme

More about UZH Global Funding Scheme

The Global Outreach Fund is a funding line of the UZH Global Funding Scheme.